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I haven't updated this blog in literal years, and I haven't written a story in even longer.  I was recently inspired by the spooky season to write a little something once again. Please enjoy my short story, #DeadTogether. Excuse any errors, I've been exhausted lately.  #DeadTogether by Wren, also known as Caleb Andrews . #DEADTOGETHER   In the distance, waves crash on an empty beach. The sun is setting, and the sound of seagulls calling to each other fills the air. Gentle instrumental music fades in. The melody is a bit melancholy, but not sad. Cut to a young couple on their honeymoon. They stand on their hotel's balcony, holding hands as the breeze ruffles the woman's wavy, chestnut brown hair. She pushes it out of her face, and the audience catches a glimpse of her diamond studded wedding ring as the fading sunlight catches it. Her new husband, a handsome man in a white button up shirt, reaches for her hand and brings it to his lips. She smiles. Cue narrator. Th...

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